Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So, I had my first Microbiology (yes, you heard me right "MICRObiology") test last Thursday. (it is actually a freakin' awesome class! I really love it). Well, I didn't get an opportunity to study for this test, not once - AT ALL. Not even exaggerating (totally wish I was). Our grades were just posted (after a weekend of agony) and guess what?! I got a 92%. Yes, it's a low A but still, an A none-the-less!!! Those who know my past history of schooling probably already know about how much of a perfectionist I am when it comes to my grades. So the A- hurts a little, but I'm totally satisfied.

Phew {wiping beads of sweat from forehead} 'cause I totally thought that I had BOMBED the sucker. Anyways, nothing big really... just HAD to share! Tell me how proud you are! ;) I promise, next time to do even better 'cause I'm actually going to study for it. HAHAHA! Think my kids will let me?! Neither do I.


ariel said...

Who is your professor? I had some guy with a big beard who put up overheads that you had to copy and then lectured about random stuff even though nobody was listening because they were all copying down the overhead. It wasn't a great class :p but I hope yours is better.

grammaDawn said...

Does this surprise me? Not at all, and if anyone out there cares, the first time this girl got an A- she wouldn't show her report card to anyone and cried when her grandma asked how she did. Cuz everyone knows how humilitating an A- is.

James & Amy Anderson Family said...

I hated micro- but I think that had something to do with the professor! Good job!

Torman said...

Maybe one day you will be perfect instead of just almost perfect. {sigh} live is tough! :) You know I love ya and I am so proud of you, just like a sis should be :)