Thursday, July 31, 2008

Picka-mick @ the park!

Because Alli loves to ride her new bike and she got a picnic set from Gramma Dawn (thanks Grandma) for her birthday, I decided that yesterday we were going to go on a little ride to the park and have a picka-mick. There is an elementary school in our neighborhood and it only takes about 20-30 min for us to walk there (with Alli). Anyways, I made us a picnic lunch and then loaded it and Blake into my jogging stroller, and Alli rode her bike. And off we went! It was so much fun! Once we got to the park, it was like pulling teeth to get Alli to sit and eat her lunch before going to play on the big-toys. She could care less about food if there are toys around. We stayed for about and hour and a half and then we went back home. On the way back though, I had to strap Alli's bike to the jogger and put her in the seat. I had a visiting teaching appointment (shout-out to Kacey!) and would've been late had I let Alli ride her bike back. Fun times... creating memories - that's what it's all about! Right!? ;)

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